Hoco ticket price to increase Oct. 3

Brody McClain, Staff Intern

Tickets are now on sale for this year’s Homecoming, “Midnight in the Mystical Garden.”

“It’s like a rite of passage in high school, going to the homecoming dance, and it is a lot of fun,’ student government adviser Lisa Gould said. “We’re going to have really good food and a really good DJ. You can hang out with friends and have a really great experience.”

Now through Oct. 2, tickets are being sold on the district e-store for $60. The e-store can be accessed though this link or through the QR code found on Canvas and on @pbhssga on Instagram. On Oct. 3, tickets will be $70, and only available for purchase in-person during lunch periods.

“A lot of our money goes back into supplies that the whole school uses,” Gould said. “A lot of things used for clubs and organizations.”

The last day to buy a ticket will be Oct. 7.