New FAD club to focus on fits

Junior Naoki Yoshiue has started a new club this year, the Fashion and Design club.

“In freshman year through now, I was really interested in fashion and design,” Yoshiue said. “I would always try to come to school looking as fashionable as I could, and I hope to share that idea with others.”

Yoshiue has already started planning potential events and club activities.. 

“We have a lot of plans that are already under wraps, but we, as a board, agreed that we will not reveal them until later on,” Yoshiue said. “I will reveal that we do have a major event planned that we hope can happen.”

Yoshiue said that the club will be a safe space for creative learning and expression.

“We will make sure that the Fashion Design club is a fun place where members can learn about trends, art and graphic design,” Yoshiue said.

He added that he wants to make a difference in students’ outfit choices so that people can have a variety of options, instead of wearing similar clothing every day. Students who are interested can join the Remind with code @FADPBHS.