Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders: A program for students in need

By Natalia Roque, Staff Intern

Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders is a program in which students who are at risk of not graduating are mentored by their peers. Lafaris Dooling, organizer of Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders, had an induction ceremony before spring break for incoming mentees and mentors. 

“I try to help students who need more one-on-one,” Dooling said.

This program helps students who have below a 2.0 GPA and aims to decrease dropout rates. Mentors work with their mentees during study hall twice per week.

Mentoring Tomorrow’s Leaders isn’t just academic help. The program follows five pillars: academic achievement, mentoring, family involvment, community support and incentives. 

“MTL doesn’t only promote academics, it promotes wellness,” Dooling said.

Dooling encourages her mentors to reach out to the mentees and check up on them, both academically and emotionally. She hopes to motivate anyone who wants to join next year to go to the induction ceremony.