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Behind the scenes of Thespians ‘Little Shop’
December 19, 2022
The Thespians’ production “Little Shop of Horrors” in the auditorium on Dec. 7-8 almost sold out both shows. The two shows features different casts, the first night mostly freshmen and the second night primarily upperclassmen.
Senior Riley Dion, Thespians president, managed a team of over 30 students. Production started in late September, and as show night approached, the club met after school nearly every day.
“The hardest part is the creative element of the show, setting up the set, planning out the props, and making sure sound is smooth,” Dion said.
Being on the cast and working backstage at the same time, DIon had a lot on her plate.
“Sometimes I would be making a prop and singing at the same time,” Dion said.
Dion, who wishes to pursue a career in engineering, said her favorite part creating and designing the prop puppets. With preparation for the upcoming softball season and a heavy academic load, she said that managing her time was important. But she also took great pride in the cast she worked with.
“I think this is the best cast I ever could have gotten,” Dion said.”
Watching the Dec. 7 show was, as she described it, “surreal.” Dion received a standing ovation at the end.
Zachary Smith, the voice of Audrey 2 for the Dec. 8 show, described backstage as “crazy”– moments before the show people were doing makeup, hair and setting up.
“Someone is also always yelling at somebody as well,” Smith said.
Smith was one of the only male performers.
“It was really interesting working with mostly female actresses, getting to see their thought process and learn from,” Smith said. “It was amazing.”
Show director and Thespians adviser Jennifer Russo said she loved seeing her work come full circle from being in the shows to directing them.
“When I was in the Thespians there were only three students,” Russo said.
Smith described his experience on the show as something to remember, and added that meeting new people made him even more outgoing and expressive. He also said that since the theater club had to supply a lot of its own resources, Smith thinks that with the limitations put on this production, it turned out better than he ever imagined.