Goodbye 2024 and welcome 2025! Seeing as the New Year has come upon us once again, many people take the time to reflect on the year that has passed right before their eyes. Some people ponder on the vivid memories with friends and family, traveling experiences, the harder days, introspective thoughts about one’s self, and many other instances.
After the self reflection is all brought back to memory, people tend to want to create new habits for the new year, leading to new year resolutions. Motivation to become a new and changed person can really drive people towards completing their goals. But for some, new year resolutions can be forgotten or set aside due to them being unrealistic or failure to adapt to them. So, how can new year resolutions become achievable and worth it?
Layla Johnson, a sophomore, shares how having a persistent mindset can help people stick to their goals. “Habits can get broken in two weeks, so if you want your goals and new habits to stick, then practice your new habits consistently and they will last forever,” Johnson said.
Another student (10th grade) Juliana Bayer, shares when asked what strategies she uses to persuade her to go through with her new habits. “Setting alarms, reminders, and to-do lists helps me stay motivated throughout the year to accomplish goals that I set,” Bayer said. As seen by students around our school, new year resolutions can be achieved through staying persistent, developing consistency, and using strategies to help stay on top of the habits you want to develop. New habits have been proved to last if practiced daily and can therefore be effective in the future.
Sophomore, Madelyn Orfall believes, “People often make excuses not to complete a task that can lead them to achieving their goal.”
For everyone in the end, it’s not necessarily the resolutions that matter the most, but rather the commitment to evolving – one step at a time.
To end off, it’s not necessarily the resolutions that matter the most, but rather the commitment to evolving – one step at a time