“My Hero” movies always have beautiful animation and introduce interesting characters to the story. The series of movies based on the hit manga and anime have been immersing viewers in this beloved world since the first entry in the franchise, which introduced the character of David Shield, an inventor who designs hero support weapons and used to be world famous hero, All Might’s, old sidekick, and his daughter Mellisa Shield, who hopes to follow in his footsteeps. The other two existing movies also introduce more characters to the scene and always in a way that makes it entertaining to the auidence.
The most recent movie in the franchise, “My Hero Academia: You’re Next,” follows our protagonist Izuku as the he and his friends make their way through the ruins of Japan during the war against The League of Villains introducing the characters Valdo Gollini, a narcissistic All Might wannabe who claims to almighty successor and the new symbol of peace. Anna is a young woman with a power that caught the eye of Gollini’s gang, leading to her capture. Giulio is another new character with mechanical arms and legs who seems to be chasing Gollini’s gang. His mysterious history with Anna is hinted at early on, and explored throughout the movie. The characters which the film introduces to the audience are what truly add depth and intrigue, sucking in the viewer and leaving them wanting to know more.
The movie has received mostly positive reviews, with a score of 7/10 on IMDb and a 94 % on Rotten Tomatoes. On Rotten Tomatoes Charles Solomon from Publication FilmWeek (KPCC – NPR Los Angeles) writes, “Next is most definitely not for newcomers, but devoted fans will get a major kick out of its wit and intensity. Content collapsed. A film that’s a lot of fun, lots of action, and if you’re one of Deku’s many fans, you have a lot of fun with it.”
Overall the movie maintains the signature vibe of My Hero while also adding in new elements and new characters and expanding the story.