Mr. Nagy, a US Government Honors, Philosophy, Economics, Holocaust History, and African American studies teacher, works with the Make Our School Safe Club (M.O.S.S.) every year during the holiday season to do the M.O.S.S. Club Toy Drive to give gifts to kids at Pompano Beach Elementary who are under the poverty line.
The M.O.S.S. Club was started in response to the Parkland shooting on Valentines Day, 2017. It is the club’s fourth year doing the drive and reaches about 70 kids per year, with each kid receiving 2 toys.
“There aren’t really any setbacks. It’s more just a lot of work. It’s a lot of work for me and the students, but we are having a wrap party after school where we have about 30 kids wrap and organize the donated presents,” Nagy said. “I just talk to my students and try to get the word of mouth out there and have students spread the word.”
The Toy Drive began after the return from Thanksgiving break and the end date is Wednesday, Dec. 11.
This holiday season, some families can thank the M.O.S.S club and Mr. Nagy for their efforts at making their holidays a little more magical with the Toy Drive.